Sports Blog: 11/05/21

Wasn’t Halloween LAST weekend? I awake on November 5 to a ghoulish sports landscape. That’s some rot in the Phoenix Suns organization. And there’s too much smoke for there not to be a raging 5-Alarmer blazing in the desert. Suns owner Robert Sarver is gonna get Sterlinged.  And if even one-tenth of the racist and […]

Paul’s Daily Ration: 11/05/21

Democrats are a loose, diverse, fluid and often casually convenient coalition of political “acquaintances” who come and go all the time. That’s actually kinda enlightened, intellectually. It’s rational. But partisan politics is seldom rational, and this Dem Pragmatic Promiscuity can be a huge competitive liability in our binary, polarized (and broken) two-party system. Today’s Republicans […]