We will have a divided government for at least the next two years. That will of course prevent us from confronting all or even any of our alarming national issues in any kind of rational or constructive way, and instead extend our blind, venomous, vindictive and selfish tribalism.
But that is not to say that nothing changed Tuesday. Everything did. The Cult of Personality is over. Trump is over. Write it down. Yes, Paul Alexander, on 11/10/22, declared Donald Trump yesterday’s news. It won’t be immediately apparent. Hurricane Trump will continue to bluster, but the winds thrown off by his wobbly and erratic rotation will quickly recede into dying gusts.
Trump has always been a sore loser. But he also has always been a perfect loser. GOP operatives lack many skills (as well as human souls), but they can do basic math. It is now crystal clear—even to them—that Trump cannot win a general election. The numbers aren’t there, and will continue to decline, now rapidly. It’s not that the GOP will in any way undergo some ethical epiphany. They are incapable of that. But the party’s power brokers will spasm against the one and only thing they fear—certain defeat.
And the joke is also on Kevin McCarthy, who is now in real danger of being cannibalized by his treacherous “friends,” not to mention his own blind ambition.
Tuesday also proved that Election Denial is now politically out of fashion. You can put that clown wardrobe back in the closet forever. The Big Lie has entered death throes.
Even many of the Cultist bullshitters have now reached their bullshit tolerance limits.
And nominating bad candidates is bad political business.
Like Belichick “moving on to Cincinnati,” GOP “elites” are now clearly and undeniably moving on from Trump.
Oh, and he’s about to face multiple indictments on multiple criminal charges that are easy to prove.
Yeah, we are going to have divided government for at least the next two years, and we will be politically paralyzed, unable and unwilling to confront our national disease.
But that’s not to say that nothing changed Tuesday.
Everything did.
Trump often describes himself as “perfect.” He is right in one sense. He is a perfect loser.