What The Hell is Radically Rational?

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When I awoke one morning in 2017 with this concept in my alleged brain (along with Chicago’s “Beginnings,” from the top), I popped up and immediately wrote a 7-page, single-spaced treatise outlining the idea in excruciating detail.

Naw. I’m not going to do that to you. Or to me again.

It’s been my experience that if I can’t explain a concept in at most a few simple paragraphs, it means I don’t yet fully understand it myself. So, after four years of “boiling it down,” here’s the “shorter memo.”

We find ourselves in a Post Fact-Post Truth World. Folks have now granted themselves the right to accept as fact any self-serving fantasy they prefer. They also have given themselves similar license to reject any established, discernible fact that in any way makes them uncomfortable.

Facts and truth are not only ignored. They are openly disdained.

That can’t be a good thing. That’s bad for business.
Left unchecked, this insanity will prove our undoing. I choose not to be “undone.”

The 21st Century is now doing a pretty solid impression of the 15th.

Oh, just hell no.

Enter Radically Rational. We are gonna bring facts back into fashion. We are gonna make simple sanity sexy again. Peacefully, we are gonna beat crazies of all stripes back into the shadows and shallows where they belong. Crazy is bad. Crazy is crazy, in fact. The Crazies are just not tall enough to ride the rides.

Time for adults to retake the wheel. I am certain that millions of Americans feel exactly the same way.

So we can accept this lunacy. Or we can work to fix it. I know which option I have chosen.

So we will fight. But we will be Happy Warriors. If we’re not having fun, we’re missing the boat. But remember this, Crazies. We’re not laughing “with” you.

Let's sail


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