What have you done with the garden that was entrusted to you?

I first heard the verse spoken by poet Robert Bly in the Eighties as he read a poem by Antonio Machado: “What have you done with the garden that was entrusted to you?” It stopped me in my tracks and has echoed in my mind all the decades since. Antonio Machado was a Spanish poet […]

Happy Solstice!

I’m a Summer Baby, so, baby, let’s go! Voting is fundamental, and “truth in labeling” matters. Voter ID Laws? I’m good. Of course voters should be expected to prove they are who they say they are and establish their eligibility to participate in our elections. No argument here. And I frankly find suggestions that some […]

Sports Blog: 06/21/2021

Certainly, elite golfers are elite athletes. I’ve never understood why anyone would question that. Championship golf (not “Coach Hacking) requires strength, coordination, rhythm, stamina, extreme focus and concentration, and the fine motor skills of a neurosurgeon. The idea is to “save the patient.” And the patient is the golfer himself. “Physician, heal thyself,” indeed. Five […]