01/19/23 Pardon my patois, but…

He stole from a “Save This Doggie” fund? Did I ever mention that my mother died at the Alamo? We are Through the Looking Glass. Where is George Carlin when we need him?  Jumbo shrimp. Military intelligence. Airline food. No doubt Carlin would add “rational Republican.” Morons, without the “oxy.” You are what you tolerate, […]

01/19/23 “Trust but verify.”

Chargers coach Brandon Staley says he never felt his job was in jeopardy as his team was whizzing away a 27-0 lead in that Wild Card game against the Jaguars. I would describe that as a stunning lack of self-awareness. The Cowboys are taking a humane but rational approach in dealing with placekicker Brett Maher’s […]