It will be the stolen classified documents detailing his unholy and illegal dealings with foreign governments that will bring him down. And still, I hear uninformed, misinformed and disinformed Cultists crowing that Trump was “fully exonerated and vindicated in the Russia investigation.”  Uhh, not hardly, as we say in Lockhart. Did these lackies ever READ […]

05/23/23 I’M AGGIN’ IT!

Nobody likes a show-off, narcissistic flexer. That was a muscle-head decision by the NFL Monday. Thursday Night flex scheduling is insanity, one that reflects zero regard for players, teams and fans. I’M AGGIN’ IT! As much as I dislike it, Thursday flex scheduling will not threaten the NFL’s foundation. But gambling on games by players […]

05/23/23 I’M AGGIN’ IT!

Nobody likes a show-off, narcissistic flexer. That was a muscle-head decision by the NFL Monday. Thursday Night flex scheduling is insanity, one that reflects zero regard for players, teams and fans. I’M AGGIN’ IT! As much as I dislike it, Thursday flex scheduling will not threaten the NFL’s foundation. But gambling on games by players […]