Everything is rhythm. And rhythm is everything. That’s not astrology or vacuous, pop culture Say-Nothingism.
It’s physics. Everything and everybody vibrates rhythmically. See “natural harmonic.”
Similarly, every human activity and pursuit has a rhythmic “sweet spot.” My inability to find it largely explains why I am a lousy golfer. But the happy flip side is that if we tap into that natural rhythm in any given pursuit at any given point in time, it’s frankly pretty hard to screw up from there.
It’s elusive, mysterious and mercurial. You don’t think magic is easy, do you?
We often speak of athletes who are in “The Zone.” The basketball player who nails ten straight 3-pointers. The quarterback who goes through a stretch in which he seemingly can’t miss. The .197 Punch and Judy hitter who one day goes 7-9 in a double-header with three homers and eight RBI. That was his “off day,” right? But he, however accidentally, found his rhythm. Or more likely, it found him.
“Hot”? That’s actually a very apt and accurate term, since vibrations can generate thermal energy. Is it warm in here?
Writing rhythm? See “poetry.”
Music? I once saw Terry Kath so locked in, he appeared to levitate.
Your Rhythm, Your Zone, Your Groove. Celebrate and revel in every moment you enter those rooms, whatever doors you walked through. Try to remember the path you took. Drop some bread crumbs if you need to.
How will you know you’re there?
You’ll know.
Everything is rhythm. And rhythm is everything.