Paul’s Daily Ration: 07/14/21

“Just stop counting the votes!”  Right? If we had just stopped counting the votes at midnight on November 4, none of this would have happened!  Can’t you see that? Unfair!  Fraud!  Fake news! Stolen election! Stop the Steal! Insanity. “Just keep saying we won!” Insanity. “Just a peaceful protest by American patriot/tourists.” Alice in Wonderland. […]

Sports Blog: 07/14/21

Did you catch the softball game last night in Denver? Where did they come up with those “uniforms”?  Were they left over from the last Pro Bowl? Mighty Manfred says he doesn’t want to change baseball, he wants to “restore” it. Says he wants to get rid of seven-inning doubleheaders. I’m onboard. Says he wants […]