“Dunkirk II”? “The Battle of Skeedaddle”?
Wuddya think?
This high-drama exodus needs a marketable name, right? Texas House Dems have headed for the hills. (Yes, there are hills overlooking the banks of the Potomac. I’ve seen them.) Here’s where I am. Yes, there are occasions when strategic retreat is the only possible path to victory. Everybody has their “line.” (At least everybody with a conscience.) I draw my line at efforts to restrict, retract and suppress voter rights.
I’m still searching for a marketable name for this advance to the rear. “Rope-a-Dope” is already taken, too, right? Sometimes you have to take some body shots and let your muscle-headed opponent punch himself out.
“A complete joke.” Don’t take my word for it. That’s the description of The Big Lie by the GOP’s top lawyer. And don’t forget, “Just say we won,” as devised and prescribed by Drunk Rudy. All of this turmoil. Over complete and utter bullshit. And everyone knew it.
I’m going momentarily Bonnie Tyler on you. I can at least tenuously promise I will never do it again. But right now? “I Need a Hero.” How about General Mark Milley? We’re just now finding out how close our democracy came to buying the farm. Milley looks like the guy who saved the crops.