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The Cynical Losers are already again doing what the Cynical Losers always do. They reject the measures and practices necessary to end this pandemic. They ridicule responsible people who do follow medical and scientific recommendations. Then, because their non-compliance allows the virus to survive, prosper and mutate, they start braying about scientific “failures” and “mistakes.” 1. Cause the problem. 2. Perpetuate the problem. 3. Bitch about the problem.

Cynical Losers doing what Cynical Losers do.

Dr. Fauci will again be their target today.  They’re already saying stuff like, “See, he moved his timetable again!” and then strut off like Foghorn Leghorn.  Yes, Dr. Fauci had to move his projection back about when we might get this under control. He now says Spring of 2022, but only if we all come correct immediately. That of course will not happen. It will not happen because the Cynical Losers won’t let it happen.

And then the Cynical Losers will bitch.

“Freedom”?  Mask rejection has not one thing to do with freedom, and the suggestion that it does perverts the real concept of freedom. These obstructionists are not motivated by “freedom” or any kind of rational analysis. They merely grunt and spasm in waves of ignorance, selfishness, arrogance, ignorance, immaturity and most of all cowardice.

And they lie about their motives. Many said they were vaccine resistant because of the absence of full FDA approval.  That alibi went away yesterday. But don’t worry, they’ll find another one.  That’s what cowards do.

Nineteen months into this nightmare, and we’re right back in the deep end of the pool. We’re back to 150,000 new infections per day (and Delta Dawn got a little extra sumpin’ sumpin’ fo yo ass) and 1,000 daily American deaths. Congrats, idiots.

Oh, you think “idiots” is extreme? How else would you describe people who reject a safe and effective vaccine, but then swallow a livestock de-worming drug to protect themselves against COVID?

PSA’s are now reminding them, “You are not a horse. You are not a cow.” Still think “idiots” is over the top?

As Americans (and as human beings) we all want this two-minute drill in Afghanistan to succeed. The lives of Americans and friends of America are at stake. As many as 21,000 people have been evacuated from Kabul in the last 24 hours. Impressive. But inadequate. We’d have to average 30,000 per day to meet the August 31 deadline for full withdrawal. Biden will have to decide today whether to extend that deadline, which would trigger a whole new set of problems. Remember, we still have 5,800 American troops there. We’d have to start getting THEM out of there no later than Wednesday to meet that part of the deadline.


Hey, Governor Cuomo…oh, that’s right. My bad.

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Paul's Bio

I clearly have the attention span of your median fruit fly.Look! Airplane!

Sorry. I’m back.

It’s both a curse and a blessing. I’ve never bought this stuff about, “He who dies with the most toys wins.” But I do think that a wide range of life experiences helps us grow as people, and helps us better relate to other people. I’ve been fortunate. And I am beyond grateful.

I show up on time. I go like hell. I’m a good listener. I hold myself accountable. I own my mistakes. And I have a natural and an insatiable curiosity. I’m never afraid to say, “I don’t know,” when I don’t. But then I try to find out.

The flip side is I’m a lousy ballroom dancer and my clothes sometimes fit me funny.

Stuff matters to me. I care. But while I take that stuff seriously, I try hard to never take myself seriously. As a result, I have sometimes been told, “Paul, it’s hard to tell when you’re serious and when you’re just having some fun. Which is it? Serious or fun?”

My answer is “yes.” But I think that is a legitimate criticism. I promise I’m going to work on that.

This has been the quickest and strangest half-century I’ve ever experienced. During that period, I’ve been afforded amazing opportunities in news and sports journalism across all platforms. I have taught wonderful students at the high school and collegiate level. Always, I learned more from them than they did from me. I’ve been a high school administrator. I spent ten seasons as a high school varsity football coach. I’ve been an advertising executive. I’ve hosted nationally syndicated television entertainment shows. In maybe the biggest honor I ever received, I was selected by NASA to be “Chet The Astronaut” for the “Land The Shuttle” simulator at Space Center Houston. (All I can say there, is “Do as I say, not as I do.” I put that thing in the Everglades more often than not.) Most recently, I just wrapped up a decade as a television news director, during which time our teams distinguished themselves in holding the powerful accountable, achieving both critical and ratings success.

What does all that mean? It means I am profoundly grateful. It also means I’m ready for “next.” So here we are. Radically Rational. It’s an idea I woke up with in 2017. I scribbled “Radically Rational” on a piece of notebook paper and used a magnet to stick it on our refrigerator. I saw it every day, and it just would not leave me alone.

I am second in charge at Radically Rational, LLC. My wife, Jo (also known as BB), is the president. Clearly, I have failed in my attempt to sleep my way to the top of this organization.

I hope you will learn that I’m loyal as a Labrador. But I will admit that this doggie can bite every now and then. My promise to you? I will show up on time. I will go like hell. I will listen to you earnestly and attentively. I will hold myself accountable. I will never be the least bit hesitant to say, “I don’t know,” when I don’t.

But then I’ll try to find out. Let’s do it.