College football programs are great at screwing up perfectly good uniforms. Northwestern, that’s heinous. Don’t you be getting all cocky, Michigan State.
Look, I don’t like to see anyone going through the mental anguish Naomi Osaka is obviously dealing with. But now she’s throwing racquets and firing balls into the stands. Different deal now. You say you’re gonna take another break? Good. Make it a long one this time.
I liked David Patten. A pro’s pro. RIP.
The Golden Boy is hospitalized with COVID, just days before his scheduled return to the ring. Of course, I hope he makes a full and speedy recovery. I also hope he re-thinks this comeback thing. Bad Idea Jeans.
Mack Brown looked like Grim Death Himself last night. He looked worse than his offensive line.
BYU, Houston, UCF and Cincy set to apply for admission to the Big 12. Musical Lifeboats. Go around, don’t drown!
TTNTWTA’s (Teams That Need to Watch Their Asses Today) include:
Best basketball game masquerading as college football? Texas Tech at Houston.
Most threatened piece of furniture in San Antonio today? My couch. This Potato gonna need some butter.