No professional astronauts aboard. No, I’m not talking about that SpaceX capsule. I’m talking about this blog…
I have a daughter and two granddaughters. Yesterday’s Congressional testimony by four American female gymnasts broke my heart. And made me very angry.
General Milley as traitor? No, General Milley as hero. That will become even more evident in the weeks and months to come.
It’s telling that no one…no one…is denying that Trump is literally, clinically, diagnostically, medically, definitionally bat-shit crazy. That is not a good quality in a president, or a former president.
Fences and barriers at our Capitol again. D.C and Capitol police on high alert. This is in advance of a rally in support of criminal insurrectionists who attempted to overthrow the government of the United States. How disgusting is that? But how enlightened is it that our system allows it, and even protects it, as long as it remains peaceful?
The vaccine booster debate? I’m listening. And reading. And following. I have not arrived at a position. But I do know what the key questions are. Would a booster elevate protection for high-risk citizens? And would a booster enable the vaccine to continue to do what it is supposed to do—protect the vaccinated against severe infection and death? Notice that I’m asking these questions before I attempt to answer them. That’s you know, kinda the way science works. Or is supposed to.
Happy Diez y Seis de Septiembre. BYOG. Be Your Own Grito.