The present-day version of the GOP is not only science averse, it is also severely math challenged. Hell, that takes both the “S” and the “M” out of STEM, doesn’t it?
Let’s see. They don’t believe in vaccines. They don’t believe in masks. Many of them think the virus itself is bogus, even as the U.S. COVID-19 death toll stretches toward 700,000. They don’t believe in man-made climate change. Many have not taken a firm stance on gravity.
And apparently, they don’t believe in basic arithmetic, either.
Trump can’t win, at least he can’t win legitimately. That’s why The Cult is already screeching that the 2022 and 2024 elections are hopelessly rigged. That’s why GOP dominated state legislatures are racing each other to see who can pass the most draconian voter restriction and turnout-depressing laws. That’s why they’re openly creating provisions that would allow purely partisan hacks to simply overturn any election results they don’t like.
And gerrymandering? You’re about to see some freaky shapes that would scare you away from a Rorschach test.
Because they can’t win legitimately. And they know it. How do we know it? Well, for one thing, we just saw it. They just lost legitimately and convincingly in 2020. And lo these many months later, The Big Lie not only persists, it’s metastasizing.
He’s a former one-term president that lost the popular vote by a wide margin in two elections. He was twice impeached, and in each case the evidence for conviction was overwhelming. He straight up tried to overthrow the government of the United States. He could face criminal charges on multiple fronts.
He can’t win. But still his lackies are falling all over themselves to sell out both their souls and their once-proud party.
It’s math. Any number multiplied by zero, is zero.