Different NFL head coaches bring different skill sets and strengths to the job. Some are organizational CEOs. Some are intuitively precise game planners. Others make genius in-game decisions and adjustments.
Many of the best coaches are simply great leaders of men.
Here’s where I am. I don’t know what Mike McCarthy’s particular strength is. I don’t know if he has a particular strength.
I really don’t even know what he does. He’s been an NFL head coach for 15 years. So presumably he can hire a staff, run a meeting and make a practice schedule.
But what “special” thing does he bring to an organization?
I’ll wait…
The Cowboys once again find themselves at a crossroads. Or maybe in a box canyon.
Lil’ Abner says he is desperate to get the Cowboys back to the Super Bowl (after a 26- year absence). I don’t doubt his sincerity.
So here’s the blunt question he must face. Can Mike McCarthy get you there?
Sadly, and with no personal animosity toward McCarthy, I think the answer is no.
Ultimately, any head coach’s first and most critical responsibility is to have his team fully prepared, mentally and emotionally focused, and ready to play.
Epic fail.
Where am I wrong?
It’s time to throw the keys to The Mighty Quinn.