That did not look or sound like “Victory Day” in Moscow to me. Yeah, there was plenty of snappy goose-stepping, and those appeared to be genuine NFL-certified ICBMs being paraded through Red Square. The Russians have always had that drill down.
But what was notable was not what was said, but what wasn’t said. For the most part, Putin STFU. That is not insignificant. He’s cornered. And he knows it.
I just heard Carl Bernstein make a brilliant distinction. Richard Nixon, said Bernstein, was America’s first criminal president. But Trump was our first seditious president. You do understand the difference, right? Sadly, many of you still don’t. Trump attempted to overthrow the government of the United States in order to illegally preserve his power. And still, I’m told that it was “no big deal” and that I and we need to “get over it.” That’s all you got?
Oh, what’s this about 100-million new COVID cases in the U.S. this fall and winter? I guess they slipped that one by us on a Friday afternoon. Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss…