Aside from their proven indifference toward the lives of children, it’s the vacuousness and detachment from observable reality of their “arguments” that most vexes me.
“Guns don’t kill people.” Of course they do.
“You can kill people with a paperclip.” True. But you can kill a lot more of them in a much shorter time with an AR-15. And it clearly has emerged as the weapon of choice for mass murderers.
“These weapons have been around for sixty years! And they weren’t a problem then!” They are now. My lower back wasn’t a problem 60 years ago. It is now.
“That’s not an assault rifle.” A deflective distinction without a difference. We all know what we’re talking about.
“We didn’t ban airplanes after 9-11!” You didn’t really say that, did you?
“This is about hearts without God!” Yeah, that and easy access to killing machines for people who should not be allowed to get near them. Common sense gun regulation is more practical and effective than giving everyone a heart transplant, don’t you think?
“We’ll never stop all of these massacres.” Sadly true. So that means we should not try to reduce them, when we clearly can reduce them? So, because we can’t stop all of them we are under no obligation to prevent any of them?
“We can’t fix this problem by violating the rights of law-abiding Americans!” Who is suggesting that? Exactly no one. Waiting periods, red flag laws, better tracking of weapons sales, age restrictions, background checks and limiting access to specified classes of weapons violate no one’s rights. Do you have a “right” to a personal suitcase nuke? Or an ICBM?
“Criminals are going to break the law no matter what we do!” So, let’s do nothing? If laws are pointless, then why should we have any laws at all? You claim that’s not what you’re saying. But it’s exactly what you’re saying. You’re just cherry picking the laws you like and the laws you don’t like. Stop sign runners are going to run stop signs. So let’s take down all the stop signs.
“This is a mental health issue!” Yes, that’s part of it. And it’s why crazy MFers should not have these guns.
“Guns aren’t the entire problem!” You’re right. So, what’s your point? That guns play no role whatsoever in this?
One Response
My sentiments exactly!