So, “Nobody has gotten to the bottom of 9-11,” Mr. Defeated and Twice Impeached Ex-President? In your perpetual race to the bottom, you always seem to have a comfortable lead. Cozying up to The Murderous Saudis because they’re dropping some megabucks on your overrated golf course is a new low, even for a subterranean like you.
I’m guessing Cabinet discussions about invoking the 25th Amendment are not exactly lighthearted.
“You think he’s crazy?”
And some of you want to throw the keys back to this madman?
With the exception of a couple of brief flurries that punched themselves out, third parties have never gained much traction on America’s political landscape. Maybe that’s the problem, especially now. We are polarized as never before. We have created a binary, “either/or” environment that leaves no room for reason, degree or nuance. Particularly in the era of social media and “pick your slant” news coverage and commentary, this polar repulsion has eliminated cultural intelligence. The existence of two and only two major parties, combined with our mass murder/suicide primary election systems, have ensured that only the shrillest and most extreme voices are heard. In short, at least at this point in the 21st Century, our two-party system IS the problem. Sanity has been disenfranchised.
It’s perpetually Crazy Right vs. Crazy Left, with rational Americans of goodwill not even allowed a seat at the table. And this is now absolutely an existential threat to our representative republic.
So I say Three’s Company. Both current major parties have failed dismally, and have shown they cannot be trusted with nice things.
This group of former Republican and Democrat officials who are proposing the formation of a new political party for cognitive people?
I’m in.