You’re making a very poor decision, Madam Speaker. This is an unnecessary risk. There is nothing tangible to be gained by your now scheduled visit to Taiwan. The only result will be heightened international tensions at a time when that’s the last thing we need. Ms. Pelosi, you telegraphed your punch, and created an opportunity for the Chinese. You essentially cornered yourself, and gave yourself no way out without appearing to bow to Chinese threats. YOU created that situation.
Up until now, we’ve done a pretty good job of wedging ourselves between the Chinese and the Russians. China has, for the most part, stayed out of the whole Ukraine thing. Xi will now have reason and a motive to get the band back together.
Stupid. Unforced error.
Plus, you just face-jobbed the president, who should spend this week worrying about Kyrsten Sinema, instead of you.
GOP Senators. Come correct. Get this burn pit fiasco fixed. Asking you to do the right thing because it’s the right thing just one time is not too much to ask. And I don’t want to hear any of this “both sides are equally to blame” crap. Not this time.