As a “language guy,” I cannot tell you how much I love the word “fraud” as applied to all things Trump. There is “fraud” the crime. But there is also “fraud” the person. How gullible were you, Cultists? You’ve been living a complete and highly embarrassing lie. No more. Eternal shame on you seditious, treasonous un-American fools. Now at least have the decency to put your busted tails between your busted legs and STHU until the end of time.
It’s not just that he lies every time he opens his yap. It’s that he IS a lie. His entire existence is a lie.
And you bought it.
We are done with him. And we are done with you.
He’s a fraud, as was evident as far back at the 1970s.
He is over. And so are his cultists.
Today is a very good day.