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Gambling by NFL players is a legitimate, and apparently growing concern. I’m pretty close to calling it “alarming” after news broke Friday that five players—four of them Detroit Lions—have been suspended following league investigations. Some of this gambling was on NFL games. This is a very slippery slope, as is the league’s ongoing greedy grab to cozy up to the gambling industry.

I’ve watched tons of video on former Georgia defensive tackle Jalen Carter, and yeah, it confirms what I thought after watching a ton of high-profile Bulldog games in 2022.Carter is a beast. That’s not the question. Carter’s character and work ethic is. I’d be leery abut drafting him. Lions G.M. Brad Holmes says he feels “better” about Carter after a recent visit. Detroit has four picks in the first two rounds, including the sixth overall selection. The Lions’ run defense was atrocious in 2020. Carter is a run-stuffer. That talent will eclipse teams’ trepidation. It always does.

The battle between the NFL and the NFLPA over playing field safety is far from settled. The Players Association says data collected from 2012 through 2020 prove conclusively that grass fields are safer than artificial turf fields. The league’s position is that it’s not that simple, that some artificial turf surfaces have a lower injury rate than some grass fields, and vice versa. One thing is clear. Players overwhelmingly prefer playing on grass. This issue will be a hot point of contention in the next CBA negotiations.

I never understood why the Hoodie moved Matt Patricia to the offensive side of the ball last season. That made zero sense to me. That’s why I was not the least bit surprised that Patricia is joining the Eagles’ staff, where he will be a “senior defensive assistant.”

Picking up CeeDee Lamb’s fifth-year option was a no-brainer for the Cowboys. Now let’s hope Dallas gets busy signing Lamb to a long-term deal. That will happen. You could make a case that Lamb has had the most impact in his first three years of any Cowboys receiver since Bob Hayes. Cornerback Trevon Diggs’ future with the team may be a little cloudier, since the team may have to use the franchise tag on him before the 2024 season.

Totally random thought and comparison. Remember when basketball’s Connie Hawkins’ physical talent became legendary, bordering on mythical? I think I see the same thing happening with former Florida QB Anthony Richardson. We will ultimately find out this athletic freakishness squares with professional performance.

Doc Rivers says the NBA must address goading of star players, both on the court and in the headlines. No. NBA star players must address their hypersensitivity to goading. Grow up.

Astros have made it to .500 after beating the Braves. Now we’ll see if they can climb above the break-even line for the first time this season.

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Paul's Bio

I clearly have the attention span of your median fruit fly.Look! Airplane!

Sorry. I’m back.

It’s both a curse and a blessing. I’ve never bought this stuff about, “He who dies with the most toys wins.” But I do think that a wide range of life experiences helps us grow as people, and helps us better relate to other people. I’ve been fortunate. And I am beyond grateful.

I show up on time. I go like hell. I’m a good listener. I hold myself accountable. I own my mistakes. And I have a natural and an insatiable curiosity. I’m never afraid to say, “I don’t know,” when I don’t. But then I try to find out.

The flip side is I’m a lousy ballroom dancer and my clothes sometimes fit me funny.

Stuff matters to me. I care. But while I take that stuff seriously, I try hard to never take myself seriously. As a result, I have sometimes been told, “Paul, it’s hard to tell when you’re serious and when you’re just having some fun. Which is it? Serious or fun?”

My answer is “yes.” But I think that is a legitimate criticism. I promise I’m going to work on that.

This has been the quickest and strangest half-century I’ve ever experienced. During that period, I’ve been afforded amazing opportunities in news and sports journalism across all platforms. I have taught wonderful students at the high school and collegiate level. Always, I learned more from them than they did from me. I’ve been a high school administrator. I spent ten seasons as a high school varsity football coach. I’ve been an advertising executive. I’ve hosted nationally syndicated television entertainment shows. In maybe the biggest honor I ever received, I was selected by NASA to be “Chet The Astronaut” for the “Land The Shuttle” simulator at Space Center Houston. (All I can say there, is “Do as I say, not as I do.” I put that thing in the Everglades more often than not.) Most recently, I just wrapped up a decade as a television news director, during which time our teams distinguished themselves in holding the powerful accountable, achieving both critical and ratings success.

What does all that mean? It means I am profoundly grateful. It also means I’m ready for “next.” So here we are. Radically Rational. It’s an idea I woke up with in 2017. I scribbled “Radically Rational” on a piece of notebook paper and used a magnet to stick it on our refrigerator. I saw it every day, and it just would not leave me alone.

I am second in charge at Radically Rational, LLC. My wife, Jo (also known as BB), is the president. Clearly, I have failed in my attempt to sleep my way to the top of this organization.

I hope you will learn that I’m loyal as a Labrador. But I will admit that this doggie can bite every now and then. My promise to you? I will show up on time. I will go like hell. I will listen to you earnestly and attentively. I will hold myself accountable. I will never be the least bit hesitant to say, “I don’t know,” when I don’t.

But then I’ll try to find out. Let’s do it.