“It was the third of September…that day I’ll always remember…”
I don’t get disappointed. Probably because I have zero sense of entitlement.
But I did have expectations as a kid. Young Paul thought adults were generally wise and mature.
Young Paul thought reason, logic and good will would always ultimately prevail.
More than anything else, Young Paul thought “crazy” was rare, and that one of the distinguishing characteristics of crazy was that crazy was generally confined and contained in a small shoebox in Billings, Montana. In Young Paul’s mind, crazy was largely defined by its scarcity. There wasn’t even enough supply of crazy to meet the limited demand.
And now crazy is a multi-national Fortune 500 corporation headquartered in Texas.
I’m almost disappointed.
“…and when he died, all he left us was alone…”
I don’t know about you, but I’m gonna go ride the kiddie train at Brackenridge Park.