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Wasn’t Halloween LAST weekend?

I awake on November 5 to a ghoulish sports landscape.

That’s some rot in the Phoenix Suns organization. And there’s too much smoke for there not to be a raging 5-Alarmer blazing in the desert. Suns owner Robert Sarver is gonna get Sterlinged.  And if even one-tenth of the racist and sexist allegations made by current and former Suns employees are true, Sarver’s gotta go. NBA Commish Adam (Quick) Silver don’t play.

College football. Rape allegations against a Georgia linebacker.

UCLA D-lineman threatening other students.

Tennessee has decided not to self-impose a bowl ban for violations under a previous coaching staff. It’s OK. Nancy Charlie Adam Adam will “volunteer” to do it for them.

COVID outbreak at Cal. Good thing for the Golden Bears they play 0-8 Arizona tomorrow.

NFL. I’m telling you. COVID protocol violations by Aaron Rodgers as a player and the Packers as an organization are going to threaten that team’s season. This stinks. This will prove to be a major embarrassment for the Packers and the league.

OBJ has Daddy OBS doing his dirty work? Do you want your father to wipe your…nose…too?  How many locker rooms is this diva gonna poison?

156 mph?  3:40 a.m.? Twice the legal limit? Loaded gun in your Corvette? An innocent woman and her dog are dead? Can’t sweep this under the Ruggs, Henry.  Beyond tragic. Beyond horrible.

But of course the band plays on. So, tomorrow…

North Carolina 34 Wake Forest 31

Pitt 41 Duke 27

Michigan State 28 Purdue 24

Baylor (yep, still nasty) 37 TCU 21

Auburn 27 Texas A&M 24


West Virginia 34 Oklahoma State 27

Arkansas 37 Mississippi State 24


Iowa State 34 Texas 31

That would make four straight losses for the Longhorns for only the fourth time since 1957.

The Texas defense is heinous, ranking 105th in the country and giving up 432 yards per game. The Texas run defense is even more putrid at 205 per. And that’s number 118 on Your National Hit Parade.

Did anything sports-related make me smile Thursday? Yeah. It’s fun to watch Colts RB Jonathan Taylor take off. And I thought Indy’s blue pants were sweet.

We now return to our regularly scheduled grumpy.

Oh, and this is the final Friday of the high school football regular season.

That always creeps me out.

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Paul's Bio

I clearly have the attention span of your median fruit fly.Look! Airplane!

Sorry. I’m back.

It’s both a curse and a blessing. I’ve never bought this stuff about, “He who dies with the most toys wins.” But I do think that a wide range of life experiences helps us grow as people, and helps us better relate to other people. I’ve been fortunate. And I am beyond grateful.

I show up on time. I go like hell. I’m a good listener. I hold myself accountable. I own my mistakes. And I have a natural and an insatiable curiosity. I’m never afraid to say, “I don’t know,” when I don’t. But then I try to find out.

The flip side is I’m a lousy ballroom dancer and my clothes sometimes fit me funny.

Stuff matters to me. I care. But while I take that stuff seriously, I try hard to never take myself seriously. As a result, I have sometimes been told, “Paul, it’s hard to tell when you’re serious and when you’re just having some fun. Which is it? Serious or fun?”

My answer is “yes.” But I think that is a legitimate criticism. I promise I’m going to work on that.

This has been the quickest and strangest half-century I’ve ever experienced. During that period, I’ve been afforded amazing opportunities in news and sports journalism across all platforms. I have taught wonderful students at the high school and collegiate level. Always, I learned more from them than they did from me. I’ve been a high school administrator. I spent ten seasons as a high school varsity football coach. I’ve been an advertising executive. I’ve hosted nationally syndicated television entertainment shows. In maybe the biggest honor I ever received, I was selected by NASA to be “Chet The Astronaut” for the “Land The Shuttle” simulator at Space Center Houston. (All I can say there, is “Do as I say, not as I do.” I put that thing in the Everglades more often than not.) Most recently, I just wrapped up a decade as a television news director, during which time our teams distinguished themselves in holding the powerful accountable, achieving both critical and ratings success.

What does all that mean? It means I am profoundly grateful. It also means I’m ready for “next.” So here we are. Radically Rational. It’s an idea I woke up with in 2017. I scribbled “Radically Rational” on a piece of notebook paper and used a magnet to stick it on our refrigerator. I saw it every day, and it just would not leave me alone.

I am second in charge at Radically Rational, LLC. My wife, Jo (also known as BB), is the president. Clearly, I have failed in my attempt to sleep my way to the top of this organization.

I hope you will learn that I’m loyal as a Labrador. But I will admit that this doggie can bite every now and then. My promise to you? I will show up on time. I will go like hell. I will listen to you earnestly and attentively. I will hold myself accountable. I will never be the least bit hesitant to say, “I don’t know,” when I don’t.

But then I’ll try to find out. Let’s do it.